Endothelialization in Vascular Implants: A Key to Long-Term Device Success

Vascular implants are critical medical devices used to restore, repair, or replace blood vessels in the human circulatory system. These devices address a variety of conditions, including arterial blockages, aneurysms, and vascular trauma. By ensuring proper blood flow and vascular integrity, vascular implants play a pivotal role in both life-saving emergency interventions and the long-term […]
Endothelialization: A Cornerstone of Medical Device Integration

Theintegration of medical devices into the human circulatory system requires not just functional optimization but also biological synergy with host tissues. Endothelialization—the growth of endothelial cells on the device surface—is a critical determinant of biocompatibility and long-term device success. This cellular process not only mimics the natural vascular lining but also regulates essential functions such […]